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Stainless Steel Bollards: Does Size Matter?

Nov 10, 2021

Stainless steel bollards aren't eye-catching, but they are helpful in emergencies and improving landscapes. Here's more on stainless steel bollard sizes.

There are many uses for stainless steel bollards, but we sometimes aren't sure if the size matters when planning stainless steel bollards. However, to determine if size matters, we need to focus on the effectiveness of using stainless steel bollards and how shock loading makes a greater difference. And here's more on the question: does the size of stainless steel bollards matter?

The Use of Bollards

Bollards are used for many applications, such as decoration and security. When used for safety, bollards are placed in areas to control traffic so that bicyclists and pedestrians move across streets more safely. Additionally, loading docks and parking garages use bollards to prevent trespassers and protect government buildings, stadiums, and golf courses.

Many businesses also use bollards for decoration. For example, in parks and nature preservation areas, you can find bollards that create pathways for ramblers to move along and admire. When dealing with bollards, post signage to signify what areas pedestrians can and can’t walk in.

Why You Need to Consider Shock Loading

When asking the question, “Does the size of stainless steel bollards matter?” we also need to consider the bollard's strength and shock loading, which is more significant in determining how effective a bollard is in structure and safety.

Shock loading determines how well a bollard can stand when struck. And since stainless steel is a durable material that lasts a long time, it can hide wear and tear when struck by an object, such as a vehicle, bike, or person.

How Impactful Resistance Matters

Stainless steel bollards are eye-catching, and they're a great asset when you need safety blockers for buildings or clear directions along trails in nature preserves. Here are some things to consider when wondering how impactful resistance matters to the size of a stainless steel bollard.


In general, many businesses use bollards to improve security and help pedestrians stay safe. With their size, stainless steel bollards become more practical and effective at keeping vehicles out of particular areas. In addition, places like town centers and university campuses have bollards to keep individuals safe.

Visual Containment

Other bollard materials can obstruct a person's view, mainly due to the size of the bollard. If the bollard is too tall or wide, it can cause accidents. Stainless steel bollards, however, decrease accidents due to the size and height of designing bollards for roads or buildings.

When considering stainless steel bollards, don't base the choice on style alone. For the safety of others, take size into careful consideration, as it helps control shock loading, strength, and durability. Custom Manufacturing and Polishing, Inc. helps meet those requirements by creating eye-catching bollards that are safe to be around. Contact us for more information on stainless steel bollards and other services.

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